Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter 2009

Here are some pictures of our sweet babies over Easter weekend. We've had an Easter egg hunt at Mema & Aunt Nan's, an Easter egg hunt at Shallow Well, and a chilly but beautiful Easter Sunday at Shallow Well. Thanks to Todd for the beautiful pictures of Abby at the very end...she looks gorgeous. The reason she's by herself in those last couple of pictures is our Tyler-man decided to play roly-poly and did a face plant in the dirt :) He's okay, just has a bruised ego...if someone four months old can have a bruised ego.

Speaking of Tyler, he had his four month check-up on Friday. He now weighs 16 pounds, 11 ounces (good for 95th percentile) and is 25.25 inches tall (around 60th percentile). He still has a little head, according to people who measure head size, only in the 25th percentile. Apparently he's a big boy with a little head. He's been eating rice cereal for about a week and we just introduced prunes today (not Dad's first choice for foods, but oh well, spaghetti and chili will have to come later).

We also have some pictures of Cowgirl Abby from earlier today at Union Point Park. The pony she's riding is named "Beauty" and she also enjoyed the swings, bounce house, and getting her "purple king hat" temporary tattoo.

Enjoy the pics!

Easter 2009

Union Point Kids Day and Tyler Prunes

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Abby Mommy Day

This morning I took Tyler to the sitter and had a special girls-only day with my Abigail. We really needed this time together. I think it's the first time we've had a significant amount of time together since before Tyler was born. We didn't do anything big, but it was still a fantastic day! We started off by going to the post office to mail Aunt Kara some pregnancy books. Abby is fascinated with how the mail works so I sat her up on the counter while the postwoman (?) did her thing. Next we headed off to Creekside Park for some fun. The weather was gorgeous, but a little breezy. Abby was most interested in the swings today. We didn't stay long because a stunt pilot was practicing overhead in his plane (Creekside is right near the airport). Airplanes are one of Abby's new fears, I think it's the noise. After a quick snack of juice and Nemo gummies, we went to the Dollar Tree and got some awesome goodies. I found some cute pictures frames to put her and Tyler's pictures in at school. Abby found some pom-poms, a sand bucket, duck bubbles, a doll, and some Princess chapstick. It's amazing what a few dollars can buy you in there! Then we headed off to the Cow Cafe, one of Abby's favorites. She got to eat a hot dog, drink chocolate milk, and play in their farm-themed play area. She was in heaven. After a cup of ice cream, we went to Food Lion for some eggs and the sweet cashier gave her a balloon (also a favorite treat). We went home and made some spring cupcakes. Granny, save some points for a cupcake, because Abby is bringing some to share! She is now napping, and I am getting my last minute paperwork for having my taxes done this evening. I am so behind on that, but needless to say, I've been a little busy lately! It was such a blessing to spend today with my precious little girl-she's growing up WAY too quickly!
PS-Update: Abby is now sleeping in her big girl bed and doing a fabulous job! She is also doing an awesome job with the potty. Very few accidents lately! Tyler is now sleeping in his own room too. He's still in the bassinet, but will be in the crib soon! The new love of his life is Hunter, my parents big, black lab!

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Catching up!

Again, we apologize for not updating this blog more frequently. In the daily shuffle of kids and work, I tend to put things like Facebook, the blog, and even checking my email on hold! We have kept pretty busy in the last few weeks. Todd and Amy are both nearing Spring Break, which unfortunately we have separate breaks this year. We have had Tyler baptized at Riverside Methodist in New Bern (first church pics) and the following weekend christened at Shallow Well in Sanford (second church pics). After the baptism we had a nice lunch with friends and family from New Bern at our house. We were blessed that Todd's parents were able to be there as well! After his christening, we had a nice lunch with family from Sanford, and this time we were blessed that Amy's parents could join us. We like to say that Tyler is "double-covered" since he has now been sprinkled twice! We have also been to an Easter Egg hunt at Riverside. Sadly, we had to do this one inside because of the weather, but Abby didn't seem to mind. This past weekend we ventured to the aquarium, despite Abby having the stomach bug. (All except for Tyler have had it in the last week...yuck!) She had a blast as usual, but you can tell in the one picture that she's leaning on Todd's leg that she doesn't feel well. We probably shouldn't have taken her out, but we had already told her we were going before she got sick, and she just had to see the otters! We celebrated Nana & Poppy's birthdays also on Friday night. To top it all off, Amy is working feverishly on her National Boards (round 2) before the April 15th deadline. Isn't it just cruel to have that due the same as tax day?
We have discovered in the last few days that Tyler is ticklish! He laughs out loud when you tickle his belly and thighs especially! He's a pretty easy-going little guy. He sleeps and eats like a champ (as you can probably tell by the pictures). Compare this picture of him in the tub to our previous post about his first bath and you'll see how much he's grown in the last few months. We weighed him about 2 weeks ago and he was 16lbs. He will be four months old in a couple of weeks...hard to believe! Abby continues to be a big helper, when she's in the mood. She is a little parrot, as she repeats anything you say. We are constantly amazed at what she knows, remembers, and her vocabulary! Over Amy's spring break we are going to move her to her big girl bed. Tyler is quickly outgrowing his bassinet, so we need to do it soon. We really think she's ready. Our new hurdle is sharing...especially birthdays. She thinks ALL presents are for her. She'll learn in time! Enjoy these pictures of our little ones!

March 2009