Saturday, January 2, 2010

Updated Pictures and Tyler's First Haircut

Today we took the kids to have their pictures made at Portrait Innovations. They were really good during the photo shoot, but were both very screamy while we were trying to pick out pictures. To their credit, it was an hour past lunchtime, so we won't hold it against them!

We also took took a family trip to the barber right before the new year to get Tyler's haircut. As much as I hated to see those precious curls go, he looks so good now. He looks like a little boy! You know it's time when strangers ask you how old your "little girl" is. Argghhh.

Happy Birthday, Tylerbug!

Amongst all of the Christmas activities, we celebrated two birthdays at our house in the month of December. My birthday was the 16th and then Tyler's was the 17th. He was my birthday present, 7 1/2 hours late :). The first year of life is so big developmentally and it has been awesome to watch the transition from a newborn baby to a toddler!

Tyler on December 17, 2008 at 8lbs 8oz

Some current milestones:
-Walking at 11 1/2 months
-FINALLY cut first tooth at 12 1/2 months
-Trying to talk. Says "mama" and "dada" clearly. We've heard him say some other words randomly also. I seriously think he said "cookie" the other night.
-FINALLY drinking out of a sippy cup. But the little booger still wants a bottle to help him get sleepy for night night!
-Staring to actually play with toys rather than always trying to eat them. They do still taste good to him on occasion.
-Fighting back with Abby. Not really a good thing, but a milestone nonetheless.
-Weighs 21 pounds

Tyler now, at 21lbs.

Here are some pictures from his first birthday that we celebrated with family and friends. Tyler was hilarious with the cake...that's why there are so many shots of it! Abby was very dainty with her cake when she turned one, but not Tyler. He had no trouble figuring that out. The other highlight of the party for Tyler was getting some boy toys! He had a few baby toys and there are lots of pink girlie toys around, but those just aren't as good for a little boy. Enjoy!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Festivities, continued!

Saturday, Dec. 18 was Riverside UMC's Christmas pageant. This year, both Abby AND Todd were a part of the production! Abby was an angel and Todd was Jesus. The pageant was cute as always, but Abby had a little difficulty with the whole standing still thing. As one of the angels, she was the second person to come in and had to remain in a standing-still position for the entire production. If you know 3 year olds, you know this is a very lofty aspiration! Needless to say she spent the whole time running around the choir loft. Looking back on it, I can laugh. But that night it was frustrating because I had Tyler in the pew and couldn't really do anything to stop her. After the performance there was a small Christmas party in the fellowship hall with another visit from St. Nick.

The next night we were able to participate in a live nativity. The Kings are some good family friends and they have hosted a live nativity in their yard for 19 years running. This is the first year I have even seen it, and it was precious! Tyler was too young yet, but Abby was able to be (you guessed it), an angel. This time it was very short. The kids just processed out while someone read the Christmas story, and then they processed back. Very simple, but a sweet way to celebrate the birth of Jesus!

Next up, Abby and Tyler's babysitters hosted their annual Christmas party. This is a large event, complete with a large spaghetti meal, lots of treats to eat, and opening presents of course!