All kidding aside, it has certainly been a busy close to the 2008-2009 school year. Both of our school were testing and retesting for EOGs, which equals crazy time in the schools! Todd had to administer the regular EOGs for his homeroom class (the whole "make your mark heavy & dark, no stray marks" bit). He then had to adjust and readjust his schedule numerous times to accomodate for remediation and retesting. At my school, it meant that my teacher assistant was pulled away for testing, no resource or duty-free lunch. I love my students, but 7.5 hours straight (for 3 days in a row) with 21 rambuctious first graders who have to remain quiet is enough to drive a saint insane! And then the whole process repeats itself with the remediation/retesting thing at our school too.
But THANKFULLY Todd and I made it through with our sanity relatively intact and we are ready to enjoy our summer with Abigail and Tyler. We are looking forward to the summer reading program at the library, many trips to the aquarium, the Todd family reunion, time with Granny and Papa, and any other adventures/trouble we can get into. Todd will stay busy with the Marine Science Academy and Teacher Academy. I get to be a stay at home Mommy for a few precious months! Now on to what you guys want to read about: updates on our cuties!
Abby continues to be a typical two-year-old. Meaning: periods of her being the cutest thing in the world immediately followed by massive on the floor crying tantrum because she heard the word "no." Despite this, we still can't get enough of her! She is so hilarious talking. Our new favorite are the "gobbles" that she wore at Lowe's to do her kids craft project. You also have to push the "ringbell" to get someone to answer the door. One of her newest obsessions is wearing band-aids. On any given day she is wearing one on a real or imaginary boo boo. It's one of the little battles I choose not to fight. If she wants a band-aid, she gets a band-aid. One less tantrum:). Abby also has a new bike. It's a real bike, just very tiny with training wheels. We went to Wal-Mart to get her a trike, only to discover that our girl is already too tall for one, and fits on the bike perfectly. She still doesn't quite understand pedaling, but she will get the hang of it! She is becoming more and more in love with Tyler everyday. She cried the other day when Todd left him at the babysitter so he could have some father/daughter time with her!
Tyler is finally rolling over! He waited until he was 5 1/2 months old, but he finally did it! He is now rolling everywhere! His new favorite pastimes include the johnny-jump-up, the exersaucer, and his playmat on the floor. You do have to be in his sight, or all of those things are no longer fun and he is finished! He is sitting up when supported. I will be glad when he can sit a little better in the grocery cart so I don't have to lug that heavy infant carrier everywhere I go! He continues to eat very well. My summer project is to work on getting him into a regular breakfast, lunch, dinner eating schedule. He still likes to eat every four hours like a newborn. What can I say? My boy likes to eat! He goes for his six month well baby check up on Thursday, and I will be curious to see what he weighs!
We'll keep you posted on our summer activities!
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MayJune 2009 |
Love the pictures. Can't wait for Todd Reunion and Granny and Papa time this summer. Tyler really looks like he has change quite a bit since we last saw him (2 weeks ago). Abby changes also but not as much. Love to all and see you soon.
ReplyDeleteLove, Granny
Enjoy your stay at home mommy time! Before we know it we will be back at school unpacking everything and getting ready for a new bunch. And a lot of them at that! I love the pictures!