Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bath Time!

One of my new favorite mommy things to do is give Tyler a bath. Right now I'm bathing him in the sink (minus the baby bath tub) since I don't quite trust him sitting up in the big tub yet. It also is a life saver for my back! When it's time to give him a bath, Abby and I put one the bar stools up to the sink and she climbs on. She is always my big "helper" when I give him a bath. The two of them have an absolute blast! Tyler has two of his favorite toys, a plastic spoon and a rubber duck. Abby and Tyler laugh, play, and splash. By the time we are finished, I have one clean baby, a toddler ready for her bath, a messy wet kitchen, but two happy kids! It is one of my biggest joys as a mom to watch my two children play together. Their laughter is priceless, and I will always treasure it!

I included some pictures of our Tyler snoozing with his daddy a few Sunday mornings ago. He was so cute sleeping with Todd that I had to snap a couple of pictures. He is still very much a mama's boy, but he is warming up to Todd. They have had more opportunities to hang out lately and that has helped a lot. As you can tell from some of these pictures, Tyler has already learned how to be a ham for the camera. It doesn't take them long to learn! He continues to learn and grow every day. He now eating Cheerios or the Gerber puffs on his own. He uses his thumb and first finger and pinches them. Not all of them make it to his mouth, but he's learning! Here is a video of one of his "I'm tired" performances. He takes his fist and rubs not only his eyes, but his entire face. Many times he'll include his ears too. It's quite hilarious!

Link to Tyler Video

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