We finally know when Little Man Williamson will make his grand entrance! At our last doctor's appointment we scheduled our c-section! His surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 9:00 am. Now, this is subject to change. I still of course could go into labor if he so chooses, or my surgery could get bumped that day if they have a lot of women in labor. But, it's really nice to have a date to look forward too! I lobbied for Dec. 16 so we could share a birthday like Abby and Daddy, but that is not one of Dr. Joyner's surgery days. He still does not officially have a name, but we are getting closer. We'll let you know when we know! Here is a 31 week belly picture. It's hard to believe that I have another 7 weeks to grow!
[caption id="attachment_62" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="31 weeks"]

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